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B i o g r a p h y

The British-German soprano Megan Baddeley was born and bred in Oxford, where she initially studied Classics at Balliol College, with plenty of singing on the side, as a soloist and in choirs including The Arcadian Singers, The Oxford Bach Choir and Christ Church Cathedral Singers.

After a stint working in the local hospital, she moved to Frankfurt in 2010, where she began to learn German and was a member of the Frankfurter Singakademie and the Kantorei St. Katharinen.

In October 2012 she began studying Voice with Prof. Alexandra Coku at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen, where she sang the role of Marcellina in Le nozze di Figaro

In September 2017 she moved to Belgium to study with Hendrickje Van Kerckhove at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent where she sang the roles of Arminda in La finta giardiniera and Parasha in Stravinsky's Mavra.   She graduated as a Master of Music with great distinction in June 2019.

She then returned to Germany, where she continues to work as a singer and educator, furthering her interest in musical outreach and education by studying Musikvermittlung in Trossingen.

She has recently appeared as a soloist in Haydn's Creation, Mahler's 2nd Symphony, Schumann’s Szenen aus Goethes Faust and Bach’s St. Matthew Passion.

She has taken part in masterclasses with respected musicians including Frieder Bernius, Marcus Creed, Sophie Daneman, Ulrich Eisenlohr, Robert Hollingworth and Klesie Kelly-Moog and as a choral singer has sung under conductors including Gerd Albrecht, Pavel Baleff, Daniel Barenboim, Harry Christophers and Nicholas Cleobury.

She has participated in numerous choir tours as a choir member and soloist in Europe, the USA and Africa, including visiting Tunisia as part of the project “Orient Meets Occident”, organised by the Stiftung podium junger musiker.

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